Achieve More With An Efficient Morning Routine

Many of us find ourselves envious of people who seem to be able to achieve so much more in their day than we could ever dream to do. Often, they manage to do more than seems physically possible. Experts say…

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I Do Love My Routines, But…

I love a good routine but can there be too much of a good thing? Consider this… As part of managing the family commitments, we have developed a routine for our weekdays. We manage to wrangle all of the activities…

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Small steps: The easy way to make big changes

Recently I popped down to our vegetable patch to spend a couple of minutes tending the tomatoes and picking some greens for a salad for lunch the next day. You can imagine my surprise when I got down there and…

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10 ways to find extra time in your week

How many times have you found yourself wishing you could indulge in a hobby, spend a few moments pampering yourself or do something you used to do but no longer have time to enjoy?  Do you feel as if you…

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8 tricks to get out of the house on time

One of the biggest indicators of how your day will turn out is the way it begins. If the morning begins badly, chances are things will stay that way.  You know how it goes, you press the snooze button a…

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The unexpected cost of sleeping in

  I have been on holiday recently and the temptation is always there to lounge in bed for far longer than I would on any normal day.   I did indulge my sloth for a while but after a few…

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Timesaving Trick #2- The bathroom

The other day I found myself leaning over the toilet, hoping that I would either be sick and just get it over with or that I would feel better and could go back to bed.  To say I wasn’t feeling…

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6 Steps to a Clutter Free Home

It’s so easy to come home from work, drop your keys down somewhere, leave your shoes next to the door, pop the mail on a bench and walk away. What’s wrong with that you might ask? Well, of itself there…

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