Too busy: Think again

It’s very easy to fall in to the trap of thinking that we are too busy. We are too busy to cook a healthy meal, we are too busy to exercise, we are too busy to take care of ourselves.…

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Forgive, learn and move on

When I was teaching, l learnt the very important lesson of stopping to take stock of how things were going, reassessing and trying again, regardless of the time of day.  No matter how good the class, or how well planned…

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Life lessons from a dirty floor

I was cleaning my kitchen floor today and it occurred to me that there are many life lessons to be learned from this activity.  This might seem a little strange but stay with me, it does make sense in the…

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Why I stopped watching the news

It’s been a very long time since I have opened a newspaper and I rarely watch the news on television.  Why?  I don’t need to hear about all of the negative things happening in the world, that’s why.  It’s depressing…

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Is there really a right way?

Sometimes people are so worried about whether or not they will doing something the ‘right’ way, that they struggle to do anything at all. I was talking with a group of ladies recently who all have very different ways of…

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It’s all about relationships

Have you ever been in a situation in which the other person is prepared to have a full stand up argument with you simply so that they can be right? It’s funny how something can go from a disagreement about…

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The struggle to delegate- A work in progress

Taking on an extra workload in my day job this year means that I have to be vigilant about planning my tasks and prioritising.  I have been investigating different ways to manage the workload so I don’t get overwhelmed and…

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Glass half empty syndrome and what to do if you have it

You may be sick of hearing people talk about the glass half full versus the glass half empty approach to life.  Unfortunately too many people underestimate the effect their thoughts can have on the way their days, weeks and even…

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The magical power of 15 minutes.

It is often said that everyone has a book inside them but most people fail to write it. Is it because they don’t have an innate ability to write? Is it because they don’t really want to write one in…

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