Managing other people’s stuff

Perhaps one of the most frustrating things when trying to reduce the amount of stuff we have in our homes occurs when we inherit other people’s stuff. This could literally be inheriting the belongings of a relative or simply being…

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The clutter of tasks

In my last post I talked about the temptation to purchase more stuff in order to organise our current stuff.  The real problem is that we often have too much stuff to begin with and buying more stuff to organise…

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Cutting the clutter

It’s the first week of the school holidays for us in Western Australia and the beginning of spring. For some reason those two things inspire me to look around my home to see what I can declutter.  No matter how…

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Timesaving Trick #8- The car

How easy is it to allow our cars to gather all types of random articles which we put in but just never get around to taking out?  We get to the end of a tiring day, come home, hop out…

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Timesaving Trick #4- Clean as you go

Have you ever gotten to the end of a task, stood back to look at the mess you have created along the way and then felt exhausted by the idea of having to clean it all up? That certainly used…

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Be prepared, make a plan, get it done!

One of the biggest mistakes we make when we are completing any task is to begin before we have properly thought through the process.  How many times have you begun a task only to realise that you were missing one…

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Experiences make the best gifts

Have you ever been badgered by your child to buy a certain thing for them?  We’ve all been there.  The latest fad or craze descends. All of their friends have it.  It’s all over TV.  Your child simply cannot live…

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Help! I have a house full of paper clutter!

One of the biggest time consuming tasks in a home can be organizing papers. If not done correctly and consistently, it can be easy to find ourselves overwhelmed by paper clutter. There is the mail, bills, school notes, tax documents,…

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How to Easily Purge Toys your Children have Outgrown

In the last post about clutter we talked about how to take small steps each day to get rid of clutter in the house. Purging toys from a child’s room, regardless of whether or not they actually play with them, can…

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